英语启蒙动画《漂亮的南希 Fancy Nancy》1-3季105集 英文字幕 百度网盘下载


Fancy Nancy S01E01E02.Tea Party Trouble &Bonjour Butterfly.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E03E04.Chez Nancy &School de Fancy.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E05E06.Nancy's Ooh La La Spa &Nancy Goes to Work.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E07E08.Nancy versus Dudley &Nancy Makes Her Mark.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E09E10.Nancy's Devine Sleepover &Nancy's Sacré Bleu Fondue.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E11E12.Nancy's Dog Show Disaster &The Case of the Disappearing Doll.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E13E14.La Danse of Friendship &Shoe La La!.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E15E16.Camp Fancy &Nancy's Vanity D'Art.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E17E18.ToodleFancy Nancy S01Eoo, Miss Moo &Nancy Clancy, Starmaker!.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E19E20.Le Café Parfait &Mademoiselle Mom.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E21E22.Nancy's Costume Clash &Nancy's Ghostly Halloween.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E23E24.Grow Up, JoJo! &Nancy's Supreme Night Out.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E25E26.Ice Skater Extraordinaire &Nancy L'Artiste.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E27E28.Vive La Revolution! &Million Dollar Minnow.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E29E30.Au Revoir, JeanFancy Nancy S01EClaude &Je Spy with My Little Eye.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E31E32.Nancy and the Nice List.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E33E34.What's Bugging Nancy&&Nancy Clancy, Pet Psychic!.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E35E36.Nancy, La Poete &Mon Amie... Grace.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E37E38.The Amazing Adventures of Grammy and Poppy &Un, Deux, Cha Cha Cha!.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E39E40.The Imaginary Invalide &Nancy Hops To It!.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E41E42.Nancy's Friendship Faux Pas &Nancy's Parcel Purrrsuit.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E43E44.Easter Bonnet BugFancy Nancy S01EAFancy Nancy S01EBoo &The Great Easter Bunny Stakeout.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E45E46.In The Know With Nancy &Nancy's Parfait Pony.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E47E48.Nancy's BFF Babysitter &Let's Break a Deal.mp4
Fancy Nancy S01E49E50.Arts and Crafty &Super Nancy.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E01E02.Return Of Dudley, The &Nancy Quits The Clancy's.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E03E04.Nancy's Parfait Birthday&Nancy Finds A Rainbow.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E05E06.Paris, Adieu!&Nancy's Fancy Heirloom.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E07E08.Roses are Red, Jojo is Blue &Love, Lionel.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E09E10.Nancy And The Mermaid Ballet&Operation&Fix Marabelle!.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E11E12.Bon Voyage, Nancy! &Nancy's New Friend.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E13E14.Frenchy, Mon Amour &Nancy's Favorite Grandpa.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E15E16.Nancy Takes The Case&Dynamic Deux, The.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E17E18.The Whisper Heard Round the World &Nancy Braves the Storm.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E19E20.Nancy Rocks the Boat &Spring Dress Mess.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E21E22.Astonishing Jonathan, The&Nancy Starts A Business.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E23E24.Trois Cheers For Mrs. Devine!&EscarFancy Nancy S02No!.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E25E26.Tea For Three&Nancy and Bree Take a Vacation.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E27E28.Bree's House Rules &A Thousand Times Non!.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E29E30.Le Boy Next Door &Nancy's Looth tooth.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E31E32.Attention, s'il vous plait! &Copy Cat Jojo.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E33E34.Who's the Boss&&Little Miss Lettuce.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E35E36.Battle for the CulFancy Nancy S02deFancy Nancy S02Sac &Sally Merry Clancy.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E37E38.New Year's Nancy&Nancy's Gift To Grandpa.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E39E40.Goodbye, Dolly! &Nancy's Soccer Encore.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E41E42.Leaders of Le Pack &JoJo and the Unicorn.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E43E44.Pajama Drama &Chirp Trouble.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E47E48.The Girl Who Cried Loup &Jojo Does The Dirty Work.mp4
Fancy Nancy S02E49E50.The Momover &Nancy's ToFancy Nancy S02do List.mp4


以下是热门英语启蒙动画清单。 ABCD4个分级,适合0-10岁各阶段的孩子进行英语启蒙使用。 由于资料太多,仅展示部分。 RZA、牛津树、SSS儿歌等大名鼎鼎的资料全都有。


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